bio.logis provides highly innovative software solutions, enabling automated interpretation, reporting & delivery of genetic data – compiled in one central, highly sophisticated IT platform:
Genetic Information Management System – GIMS
GIMS enables workflow-, collaboration- and knowledge management as well as clinical decision support for human genetics data and digital delivery of genetic diagnostic information via a software platform. It supports laboratories with the interpretation of genetic data and the translation into actionable clinical insights as well as healthcare professionals and patients with the application of these insights at the point of care.
Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) bewilligte die Förderung des Innovationsnetzwerks im Rahmen des Zentralen Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM). Ziel des Netzwerks ist es, digitale Verfahren für die Medizintechnik und die Gesundheitsbranche zu entwickeln. bio.logis digital health ist einer der 23 Netzwerkpartner aus Wirtschaft und Forschung.
European Human Genetics Conference: June 01 - 04, 2024
The bio.logis team would like to welcome you at the ESHG in Berlin, Germany from June 01 to 04, 2024 at our booth 638.
bio.logis digital health GmbH
Altenhöferallee 3
60438 Frankfurt am Main
+49 69 - 34871161