Dosage recommendations of the G-Standaard, a globally unique drug database owned by KNMP’s subsidiary Z-Index, are made internationally available by bio.logis via its Genetic Information Management Suite (GIMS) / license agreement signed / first user will be the German hospital Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus Stuttgart
Based on the KNMP’s (Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association) latest pharmacogenetics insights, the G-Standaard drug database provides dosage recommendations for active ingredients depending on various genotypes. This enables Dutch physicians and patients to always access the most relevant information on the kind and dosage of drugs that will work best in each individual case. This service is now also available to users of the bio.logis Genetic Information Management Suite (GIMS): Laboratories and hospitals can incorporate this information directly in their pharmacogenetics reports. The partners have already signed a license agreement, allowing GIMS to directly retrieve select data from G-Standaard dosage recommendations—regardless of the country where GIMS is being used.
How effective a drug is, also depends on the patient’s genetic make-up, i.e., their genotype. Collecting this knowledge and making it widely available is one of KNMP´s key functions. To be able to do this, the Dutch Pharmacogenetics Working Group meets regularly to discuss new recommendations and updates. This data is incorporated in the so-called G-Standaard, a unique drug database going back to 1984 with monthly updates.
Having signed a license agreement with Z-Index, bio.logis can now make select information available to laboratories and hospitals via its Genetic Information Management Suite (GIMS). This is a valuable addition to bio.logis GIMS, the first platform of its kind to largely automatically deliver diagnostic reports on a patient’s genetic analysis results—based on a particular genotype, GIMS users can now include the right dosage recommendations in their laboratory reports even beyond the Dutch border.
“In clinical practice the central role of a person´s genotype regarding the efficacy of drugs is still widely underestimated,” says Prof. Dr. med. Daniela Steinberger, Medical Director of bio.logis Genetic Information Management GmbH. “The agreement with Z-Index, enabling physicians to access dosage recommendations via our Genetic Information Management Suite, is an advancement for drug therapy,” adds Enrico Just, Managing Director, bio.logis GIM GmbH.
KNMP and bio.logis have been collaborating closely since 2016 within the framework of the EU-funded Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics (U-PGx) project. U-PGx aims to expand the use of pharmacogenetics insights in daily clinical practice across Europe. That is why data from the G-Standaard database are incorporated into the EU project. bio.logis GIMS users now also benefit from this comprehensive data pool.
One of the first users of the service will be the German hospital Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus Stuttgart (RBK), where bio.logis will implement its Genetic Information Management Suite with special data access to G-Standaard within the next few months and integrate it via existing interfaces with current RBK workflows. As of now, this service is available to all institutions, laboratories and hospitals.
About bio.logis Genetic Information Management GmbH
bio.logis Genetic Information Management GmbH translates genetic data into medically leverageable information and makes it available to physicians and patients. To that end, it has developed a special “Genetic Information Management Suite (GIMS)” IT solution which, in the process chain required for genetic diagnostics, focuses on the "last mile” from physician to patient by merging raw genetic data with clinically leverageable knowledge for prompt application. GIMS supports physicians both in laboratories for automatically generating such expert content, and in hospitals with specific clinical suggestions. The physician reports and recommended action generated by GIMS is delivered straight to the point of care via laboratory and physician information systems as well as electronic health records. For more information about our company and our products, please visit
Press Relations:
Dr. Maike Post
bio.logis Genetic Information Management GmbH
Altenhöferallee 3
D-60438 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0) 69 3487391 31
Manuela Rost-Hein
Ketchum Pleon
c/o Torstrasse 140
D-10119 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 400 54 752